Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Age Range

     After speaking with Children's Hope International today, we decided to expand our age range again to 2-6 years.  We started out at 3-4 years, then 3-5, now 2-6years.  We are now at are maximum age range before we would have to redo some paperwork.  The reason we decided to change is complicated.  Essentially the broader your age range and other preferences the quicker the referral.  We chose the age that we did so that she will be as close to MVM's age as possible with still being young enough that the adjustment won't be so difficult for her.  I hope we are still fitting that criteria.  MVM says that he just wants to be a big brother and maybe be able to pick her up.  How cute is that?
It has been quiet on the referral front last week and this week.  Hopefully that will change real soon!

Until next time,


  1. another CHI family here, hoping for more referrals soon!!

  2. me too!!!! We are close....so maybe we will be travel buddies. Hoping for many referrals this next week. (#42)
