Thursday, December 29, 2011

Your Family Eagerly Awaits!

Dear Daughter,
We really hoped we were going to meet you before the end of 2011.  Although it was hard not having you here our family really let us know how much they are all excited to bring you home.  You received your first  doll from my cousin and your first stuffed animal from grandma this Christmas.  They all ask about you and share in our excitement for your arrival.  I hope you will have someone to share Christmas with on January 7th(Ethiopian Christmas celebration).  It makes me very sad to think you might be alone.
The love of my family reminded me why we began this process in the first place.  We want to share the abundance of love this family has with you!  I hope it won't be long.  We love you already.

Mom and Dad 

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Referrals went out today!

Well.. the dry spell didn't last too long!  Two referrals went out today for baby boys.  It is so exciting to see another family that you have been in contact with receive their referral.  Pure Joy!  One of these days it will be us.  And you can believe I will be shouting it from the roof tops.

Great way to end the day!

Five Months Waiting!

     It looks like we have hit another dry spell!???  Haven't heard about any referrals in a few weeks.  NOTHING!  I am thankful that there is a lot going on right now to keep our minds from dwelling on it too much.  We have had 4 concerts to go to in two weeks along with, decorating the house, cookie making, end of quarter school projects and SHOPPING! It is usually when I lay in bed at night or in the morning I am still dreaming of what our little girl is going to be like and if she is safe and happy now. Usually it's all day long that I think about her.  So, I am thankful that the Christmas Rush is keeping me sane!

Happy Shopping!