Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Tuesday April 19, 2011

I thought I might go back a few months to explain how we got to this point.  I am sure many of you think, "Why would a family of six want to add another child to their family?"  As a matter of fact, we had to ask ourselves that very question.  It began with a series of events beginning in January of 2010.  We attended our first Kids Against Hunger (www.achildshopeint.org) packing session where we were all blown away by the message about not only hunger around the world, but orphans around the world.  I quickly related the orphan issue to my Grandma (Nan) who in her last weeks of life had so many visitors that I had never known.  Each of them telling the story of how they knew her and many talking about how they had lived with her at some point in their life.  I was so touched by how she had opened up her home to so many people when they had no place to go.  I thought about adoption for weeks, trying to imagine what each member of my family might think (esp. My husband).  I talked to my Mom.  I knew she would understand, because she had once considered adoption when we were kids.  She was very supportive and said if it is meant to be that it will happen.  My husband and I talked and prayed about it for 9 months.  We had discussions with the boys about how they felt and asked them to pray about it too.  Before we made the decision we waited patiently until each of us was on board.  Then came the big questions, girl or boy, how old, from where?  Each of these questions we thought carefully about before making a final decision.

You know the rest of the story!

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